GRI Conference Agenda

March 23-26, 2023 in Boston, MA USA

Thursday, March 23: GRI University (Families Only)




1:00pm - 2:40pm

Family Unconference

Families set the agenda and break out into sessions to learn from others.

Presenters: Keith McArthur, Denise Rehner, Lauren Williams

Skyline A & B

2:40pm - 3:00pm

Refreshment Break

3:00pm - 4:55pm

GRI University

Families learn the basics of genetics and neuroscience with a focus on GRI genes and the receptors they encode.

Families set the agenda and break out into sessions

to learn from each others.

Presenters: Meagan Collins, Dr. Amy Ramsey, Dr. Tim Benke

Skyline A & B

4:55pm - 5:00pm

Conclusion/Daily Wrap up - Lauren Williams

Skyline A & B

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Scavenger Hunt & Family Meetup

Friday, March 24: GRI Conference (All Attendees)




8:00am - 9:00am


Grand Ballroom A

9:00am - 9:30am

Welcome and Overview

Where are we on the journey towards treatments and cures for GRI Disorder?

Speakers: Keith McArthur (CureGRIN) and Dr. Ann Poduri (Boston Children's Hospital)

Grand Ballroom B

9:30am - 10:45am

Keynote 1: GRI Speaks

Hear directly from GRI Patients and their families.

Speakers: Dr. Ann Poduri (moderator), Milan Atanassov (GRI Patient), Ipsita Atanassov (GRI Parent), Matt Smith (GRIA2 patient and parent)

Grand Ballroom B

10:45am - 11:15am

Refreshment Break

11:15am - 12:30pm

Keynote 2: Using Gene Therapy to cure GRI Disorder in mice

Researchers at the forefront of using gene therapy to cure GRI Disorders share their preliminary results.

Speakers: Dr. Amy Ramsey (University of Toronto) and Dr. Wayne Frankel (Columbia University)

Grand Ballroom B

12:30pm - 12:50pm

Group Photo

Grand Ballroom B Stage

12:50pm - 2:00pm


Grand Ballroom A

Breakout Sessions






2:00pm - 3:00pm

Breakout Session 1

Researcher Talks: Scientific Presentations on the latest GRI-related research developments. Details coming soon!

Speakers: Dr. Lonnie Wollmuth and Dr. Derek Bowie

Location: Skyline A

GRIA and Predictive Modeling

Speakers: Dr. Dennis Lal (Cleveland Clinic), Dr. Ian Coombs (University College London)

Location: Grand Ballroom B

GRI Centers of Excellence

Learn about the GRI Center of Excellence in the Netherlands and the soon-to-be launched center in Colorado.

Speakers: Liz Marfia Ash (GRIN2B Foundation) moderator, Dr. Kristen Park, Dr. Danielle Veema

Location: Skyline C

3:00pm - 3:45pm


Speed Networking Event

Dr. Ann Poduri

Dr. Jennifer Bain

Dr. Geoff Swanson

Dr. Katherine Roche

Dr. Moran Rubenstein

Dr. Graham Collingridge

Dr. Maggie Kalev

Dr. Ian Coombs

Location: Grand Ballroom A

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Breakout Session 2

Poster Presentations: Shorter scientific presentations on GRI research. Details coming soon!

Location: Skyline C

Ask Me Anything Panel

Patient families: This is your chance to ask all of your GRI questions to our panel of expert researchers and clinicians.

*Meagan Collins (moderator)

*Dr. Tim Benke

*Dr. Amy Ramsey

*Dr. Ann Poduri

*Dr. Steve Traynelis

Location: Grand Ballroom B

5:00pm - 5:05pm

Conclusion/Daily Wrap Up- Lauren Williams

Location: Grand Ballroom B

GRI Awards Gala




5:00pm - 6:30pm

Happy Hour! Grab a cocktail and check out the poster presentations or visit with exhibitors during this pre-gala happy hour. Cash Bar. Open to all registrants. Come enjoy our photo booth!

Ballroom Pre-Function

Skyline C for Posters

6:30pm - 9:30pm

CureGRIN Patient Impact Awards Gala

Join us for a night of food and fun as we recognize the patients, families, researchers, clinicians, and donors who have made the biggest impact in our efforts to find treatments and cures for GRIA, GRIK and GRIN Disorder.

Grand Ballroom A

Saturday, March 25: GRI Conference (All Attendees)




6:00am - 7:00am

Yoga for a Cause

Skyline E

8:00am - 9:00am


9:00am - 9:15am

Welcome Back

Keith McArthur

Grand Ballroom B

9:15am - 10:30am

Keynote 3: The Path to Drug Approval

What does it take to get to treatments and cures for GRIA, GRIK and GRIN Disorder?

Speakers: Dr. Michael Tranfaglia (FRAXA), Dr. Michael Panzara (GRIN Therapeutics), Michelle Campbell (US Food and Drug Administration -FDA)

Grand Ballroom B

10:30am - 11:00am

Refreshment Break

11:00am - 12:00pm

Keynote 4: Storms vs. Seizures

What is Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity and why has it been so overlooked as a symptom of genetic neurological disease?

Speaker: Dr. Keith Coffman (Children's Mercy Hospital)

Grand Ballroom B

12:00pm - 1:15pm


12:00pm - 1:00pm

Speed Networking Event

Dr. Danielle Veema

Dr. Kristen Park

Dr. Amy Ramsey

Dr. Lonnie Wollmuth

Dr. Derek Bowie

Dr. Tim Benke

Dr. Steve Traynelis

Dr. Wayne Frankel

Skyline B

Breakout Sessions






1:15pm - 2:15pm

Breakout Session 3

Research Talks: Scientific presentations on the latest GRI-related research developments. Details coming soon!

Speakers: Dr. Moran Rubinstein and Dr. Katherine Roche

Location: Skyline A

GRIK Disorder Panel

Learn about GRIK Disorder. Details and panelists/speakers coming soon!

Speaker: Dr. Geoff Swanson, Danielle Butler (GRIK2 parent)

Location: Skyline C

Dr. Keith Coffman Q&A

Families and Physicians: Join keynote speaker, Dr. Keith Coffman, in a smaller group to ask questions about paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity and other movement disorders.

Location: Grand Ballroom B

2:15pm - 2:30pm

Short Break

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Breakout Session 4

Research Talks: Scientific presentations on the latest GRI-related research developments. Details coming soon!

Speakers: Dr. Graham Collingridge and Dr. Steve Traynelis

Location: Skyline A

GRI Disorder & Life Expectancy

What do we know?

We don't usually think about GRI Disorders as fatal diseases, but more than a dozen patients have died of GRI-related complications. A tough conversation on what we know about GRI's impact on life expectancy.

Speakers: Meagan Collins (moderator), Samantha Jiminez (GRI Angel Parent), Stephanie Brock

Location: Skyline C

CureGRIN Annual Report

Speakers: Heather Cartwright (CureGRIN Board Chair), Keith McArthur (CureGRIN CEO), and Denise Rehner (CureGRIN President)

Location: Grand Ballroom B

3:30pm - 4:00pm

Break and Refreshments

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Breakout Session 5

The GRI Phenotype

How do symptoms vary across genes and variants? Speakers coming soon!

Speakers: Dr. Tim Benke, Dr. Jennifer Bain, Dr. Geoff Swanson, Dr. Alan Bayat

Location: Grand Ballroom B

How do we pay for treatments and cures for GRI Disorders?

We all want treatments and cures for our GRI kids. How soon we get there depends on all of us. Listen to how ordinary GRI families have raised the funds that are driving the research to make this dream a reality. GRI families share their tips and tricks and what has been most successful in their fundraising efforts in this panel discussion.

Speakers: Heather Cartwright, Kaitlyne Leblanc, Lauren Williams, Berni Pippet-Mullen, Stephani Mariani

Location: Skyline C

5:00pm - 5:10pm

Conclusion/Daily Wrap up

Keith McArthur

Location: Grand Ballroom B

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