CureGRIN Launches $250,000 Campaign

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CureGRIN is looking for 100 GRIN Champions to help us raise $250,000 to fund research for a cure.  

Researchers Agree That A Cure for GRIN Disorders Is Possible, But We Need Your Help

Finding a cure is expensive. This is why we have an aggressive goal to raise $250,000 starting November 1st. To accomplish this, we are looking for 100 GRIN Families who will try to raise $2,500 from family, friends and other contacts. Whether you consider asking 100 people for $25, 50 people for $50, or 25 people for $100, for many people, this is an attainable goal. Don’t worry if you do not actually meet the $2,500 goal. Even to come close is a huge accomplishment. Everything helps bring us closer to finding a cure. 

Patient Families Play a Critical Role  

We hold the power to accelerate research and drive progress. We know that over the past two decades, whenever cures or therapies are identified for a rare disease, it is because of strong patient advocacy groups driving research and collaboration. It’s up to us! 

Where will the funds go? We are following a three-pronged approach in our effort to find a cure for GRIN Disorders:   

1. Foundational Research: patient registries, natural history studies, animal models and biomarkers  

2. Investing into research projects   

3. Building a Research Network  

CureGRIN will provide you with a personalized web page to make it as easy as possible for you to raise funds through social media and email. Learn more about how YOU can play a very important role in helping to find a cure.  Sign up to become a CureGRIN Champion for a Cure.

Our Mistake

In our last newsletter, we accidentally left out the some of the parent groups and foundations who met in Atlanta to explore how we can all come together to collaborate. Here is the complete list of groups represented at the meeting: GDRF, GRIN2B Europe, GRIN2A Support Group, GRIN2B Foundation, Austin’s Purpose, and CureGRIN.

Thanks for helping us to CureGRIN!

Denise Rehner, President and Head of Marketing Communications, CureGRIN Foundation

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Question 3

Essential Question 3 in the Roadmap for a Cure.

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