
Count Me In 2024
CureGRIN is looking for GRI Families to help us raise funds for research into treatments and cures, as well as other education and community-building programs provided by CureGRIN Foundation.

GRICON25 brings together GRI families, researchers and clinicians, and industry representatives from around the world to educate, collaborate and network for treatments and cures for GRI Disorders.

Raising Rare Superheroes: GRI Community Chat
Whether this is a new diagnosis or you have been navigating this disorder for many years, you can find support and valuable information at our gatherings.

Cure GRI Disorders
You can help!
You can help us find a cure for GRI Disorders worldwide.
CureGRIN Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and, as such, contributions to CureGRIN are tax-deductible. Fund research. Save a life.