GRIN Genes Roundtable – Apr 2021

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GRIN Genes Research Roundtable Summary 

CureGRIN Foundation hosted our sixth GRIN Genes Roundtable on April 15, 2021. Our goal is to promote collaboration so that we can accelerate the path to treatments and cures for GRIN Disorders.

We brought together researchers and clinicians studying GRIN Disorder, GRIN genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic receptors to discuss and exchange ideas on CureGRIN’s Science and Research Plan. There were 31 participants present for the meeting.

Keith McArthur (CureGRIN, CEO/Head of Science) presented the CureGRIN Science and Research Plan draft. Following the presentation, we also had an open discussion on this topic. Meagan Collins (CureGRIN, Research Coordinator) gave an overview of the other research questions that were considered by the working group. This document summarizes these presentations and the group discussion.

This discussion happened before the Research Roadmap was finalized. You can view the final product here.

Our next GRIN Genes Research Roundtable is scheduled for: Thursday, July 8, 2021.

If you are a GRIN / NMDAR researcher and/or a GRIA genes/AMPAR researcher or clinician, please reach out to to be added to the next meeting invitation.

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Question 9

Essential Question 9 in the Roadmap for a Cure.

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