One Minute to Cure GRIN Disorders

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What if one minute of your time could help cure GRIN Disorders?

Well, today it can.

GRIN mom Berni has written a beautiful and powerful story about her son Tristan, who turns 24 next Friday. The more votes Tristan’s story gets, the greater our chances of receiving a $10,000 donation for GRIN Disorder research from Giving Tuesday.

Berni writes about her family’s 20-year journey to find  a diagnosis for Tristan:

The general consensus … was that we should prepare ourselves for the eventuality that this beautiful, long awaited, cherished baby boy wouldn’t see his first birthday. No one can prepare you for hearing those words. So apparently, Tristan didn’t listen. He fought, and because he did, so did we.

Please take a minute to read Tristan’s story.

You can vote once each day until Dec. 10, so please vote early and often for Tristan’s GRIN story!

Count Me GRIN Update

CureGRIN is trying to raise US$250,000 for GRIN Disorder research by Dec. 3.

So far, we’ve raised $56,244.55, from more than 400 donors. This is a great start, but we still have a long wait to go if we are going to reach our goal. Please sign up today to be a GRIN Champion fundraiser or make a direct donation to CureGRIN, a registered 501(c)(3) charity. Canadian donors can get a tax receipt for their donation through our partnership with the University of Toronto, home of some of the world’s top GRIN researchers.

If you’ve already donated, thank you! You can help us reach our goal by spreading the world on social media or by forwarding this email.

Corporate Matching – Double the Impact 

CureGRIN is establishing corporate matching with Google, Bank of America, and Microsoft. If you work at one of these companies and have donated in the past, please let us know so we can get your support recognized. If you work at a company that offers employee matching, please let us know so we can apply for matching benefits.

Volunteer to help CureGRIN

We are looking for volunteers for CureGRIN’s Family Advisory Committee. We are also looking for volunteers to join our various volunteer teams which include:

1. Social Media: Members will develop strategy for different platforms and help create and post content. 

2. Fundraising: Members will help with future fundraising campaigns and help to develop fundraiser-in-a-box content. 

3. Sibling Support: Members will create support materials for GRIN siblings of all ages.

4. Parent Education: Members will help to deliver webinars, develop family materials and advise on the parent day agenda for next Septembers GRIN Disorders Conference in Boston. 

Click here to join our Family Advisory Committee or reply to this email to let me know if you want to volunteer for one of these other groups!

Klara’s story

In September, more than 100 GRIN parents and researchers met in Atlanta to share information and ideas about how to cure GRIN Disorders. For many parents, it was the first time coming together to meet with GRIN Disorder researchers and other GRIN families. 

Today we leave you with another great story from Klara, a GRIN mother and board member of the CureGRIN Foundation.

Klara writes:

“It was here that I experienced my first case of being star struck. I viewed the researchers as the ultimate superheroes. After all, only they can provide our children with a cure. … By the end of the first day, I realized the researchers view us parents as the superheroes. Because if we don’t participate in the patient registries, we can make or break certain parts of their research success.”

You can read and comment on Klara’s story here.

Thanks for helping us to CureGRIN!


CEO and Head of ScienceCureGRIN Foundation

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One Minute to Cure GRIN Disorders

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