Meet Our Team
We are CureGRIN
All of our staff and founding board members are parents of children with GRI Disorders. Get to know who makes up CureGRIN Foundation by reading our personal stories.

Our Team

Keith McArthur, Executive Director, GRIN1 Dad, Canada
Keith brings a wealth of senior leadership experience to his role, in business and the non-profit sector. He is a published author and podcaster, and previously a newspaper reporter. His son, Bryson, was diagnosed with a GRIN gene disorder in 2015.
In 2018, Keith and his wife, Laura, created a GRI family conference and invited some of the world’s top researchers. The message he heard from the researchers – that a cure for GRI Disorder is possible – led Keith to commit his life to finding a cure. Since then, he has been connecting with researchers around the world to drive GRI research.

Lauren Williams, Director of Family & Donor Experience, GRIN1 Mom, USA
Lauren brings her passion for personal growth and most importantly her son to the team of CureGRIN. Lauren has 13 years public relations experience, 5 years of that with an international non-profit organization.
She is a graduate of Louisiana Partners in Policymaking, a national leadership training program with the goal of creating effective systems change agents. Lauren was also appointed to the Louisiana Rare Disease Advisory Council in 2022, advocating on behalf of Louisianan’s living with rare diseases.
Lauren’s love for her son, Carter, who was born with a mutation of the GRIN1 gene, has ignited a new ambition and purpose in life…finding a cure for GRI Disorders.

Meagan Collins Hutchinson, Research Manager, MD/PhD Candidate, USA
Meagan is currently an MD-PhD student at the University at Buffalo. She holds a Master of Science degree in Neuroscience from McGill University.
Meagan was compelled by the stories shared by GRI families, and because she is very passionate about both rare disease research and translational research, she wanted to take part in helping to find treatments and cures for GRI disorders.
Meagan brings her scientific research skills, analytical thinking skills, and science communication skills to CureGRIN. She continues to develop synergistic clinical and research partnerships and advocates for patients and families.

Brittany Brown, Project Coordinator, GRIN2B Bonus Mom, USA
Brittany has spent the last several years working in Human Resources, but her true joy falls beyond the corporate ladder. She is a bonus mom to triplets: Avery, Emmy & Hunter; Hunter was diagnosed with GRIN2B as a toddler and since the moment Brittany met him, she has learned as much as possible, not only about Hunter and his needs, but about GRI Disorders and how she can help. Brittany started with CureGRIN as a Family Ambassador and is excited to keep moving forward with the team and GRI Families to find treatments and one day, a cure!
Board of Directors

Heather Cartwright,
Board Chair
GRIA4 Mom, Germany
Heather brings more than 20 years of experience building strong brands and businesses across North America and Europe. Most recently with Google, Heather advised leading consumer goods firms on digital solutions that build businesses and brands. Previously, she helped many small and large clients across all industries strengthen their brand performance as a strategy consultant and practice leader at Interbrand.
Three years ago, Heather paused her career to focus on caring for and finding a cure for her son Maximilian, who has a mutation of the GRIA4 gene. She learned from researchers about the similarities across all the GRIA genes and started to build a global community of GRIA families. Further learning from researchers about the similarities and interconnectedness across all GRI genes led her to CureGRIN. Heather lives in Germany with her husband and three children.

Robert Yockey, Treasurer
Robert has worked in every role from operations to sales in an environmental services industry. As a steward of conservation with involvement in community outreach programs, Robert will bring his passion and drive to expand and grow the CureGrin organization. For Robert, it’s about facilitating the growth that will provide the organization the resources needed to recognize, diagnose, and treat GRIA disorders with the most effective treatments.
Two years ago, Robert’s son Cole, was diagnosed with GRIA2. It was devastating to learn from the geneticists at the hospital that, “We know what it is, but we don’t know what it means for your son”. Robert’s wife Emily put her career on hold and dedicated herself to being the caregiver for their son. She found a small study, then found someone on Facebook that led her to this organization. It is Robert’s hope that someday when another family hears the same news as he did that day in the hospital that the doctor can say that there is a community of other people out there going through the same thing, and they have a cure. Robert lives in Michigan with his wife and two children.

Tina Roberts, Secretary
Tina is originally from Denmark but has settled in the UK with her husband and 3 children. With over 25 years experience in buying across a number of big and small multinational retailers, Tina has worked across the world to build and grow businesses through developing strategic partnerships which maximise sales.
6 years ago as Tina’s youngest daughter Mathilda’s needs became increasingly evident, Tina put her career on hold to ensure Mathilda received the right professional help and support as she sought a diagnosis to Mathilda’s medical issues. Mathilda’s diagnosis 2 years ago with GRIN2B disorder at the age of 10 has fuelled Tina’s passion to find treatments and hopefully one day a cure for Mathilda and all children with GRI disorders.
Tina is also a governor of a local school advising on special needs.

Denise Rehner, Founder, Board Member, President Emeritus, GRIN1 Mom, USA
Denise has 20+ years of experience in corporate communications leading product launches for global organizations including Cisco, IBM, and Yahoo. She leverages her communication and event marketing background to build awareness of GRIN Disorder.
Her world was completely changed when her son, Brett, was diagnosed with a GRIN gene disorder shortly before his first birthday. She now considers it her life purpose to find a cure for GRIN Disorder. Denise believes parents hold the power to accelerate research and drive progress.
CureGRIN benefits from Denise’s resourcefulness and ability to inspire people to accomplish common goals.

Kaitlyne Leblanc,
Board Member
Kaitlyne has 10 years of experience as an environmental engineer in the greater Boston, Massachusetts area. Her son Myles was diagnosed with GRIN1 at 4 months old and now she wants nothing more than to be part of the solution to find treatments and one day a cure for GRIN. She is very excited to join the CureGRIN Foundation and to be part of the team of other parents that share the same enthusiasm and drive to help kids and families living with GRI disorders.

Natasha Lesmana, Board Member
GRIN1 Mom, Indonesia
Having lived in 4 different countries, I have met and learned from people of different cultures and backgrounds. I realized how much I enjoyed getting to know people, developing a bond with them, and helping them whenever possible. My background in psychology and marketing further deepened my passion for people.
My son Aiden was diagnosed with GRIN1 when he was 6 months old. Since his diagnosis, I have learned a lot about the world of special needs and rare diseases. Currently living in Jakarta, Indonesia, with my husband and 2 children, I co-founded a nonprofit shop selling different items to help special needs children around Indonesia, who can’t afford basic needs or pay for medical fees.
Aiden has changed my world; he has given me a purpose in life and has made me change the way I view life. His constant happy smile, despite all the difficulties he faces on a daily basis, has given me the strength to be brave and to never stop fighting for a cure.

Paulo Domingues, Board Member
GRIN2B Grandfather, Brazil
Paulo joins the CureGRIN board of directors with more than 40 years of experience in the industrial area of multinational pharmaceutical companies. At present, Paulo is retired and working as an independent consultant for pharmaceutical related businesses.
Paulo is excited to be able to work with CureGRIN to provide support for researchers aimed to give a better life for children with GRI Disorder, including his beautiful grandchild.

Brianna Kupras, Board Member
Brianna joins the CureGRIN board of directors with a wealth of experience in all aspects of digital marketing. With her passion for storytelling and outreach, she is eager to leverage her expertise to raise awareness about GRI disorders and drive forward CureGRIN’s mission to find treatments and a cure.
In a pivotal career move to freelance, Brianna has prioritized caring for her youngest daughter, Cecilia, who was diagnosed with a GRIN2A disorder at two and a half years old. Cece’s diagnosis, while providing a name for her symptoms, offered little in terms ofanswers for how to give the best care, possible treatments, or even a vague idea of what the future would hold. It was during this challenging time that Brianna found her way to CureGRIN’s supportive community and ignited a desire to help others in the rare disease realm. Her hope is that one day, when a GRI-related diagnosis is given, it will come with a clear path forward.
Brianna’s personal experience navigating the uncertainties and hardships faced by GRI families has fueled her dedication to making a lasting impact.

Léone L.T., Board Member
GRIN2A Mom, Canada
Marketing addict for more than 15 years, Léone has brought her creativity and entrepreneur mindset across multiple marketing roles within the financial sector in Montreal and Toronto.
Originally from France, Léone found her second home in Canada. Life took a profound turn when her first born was diagnosed with a mutation of the GRIN2A gene. Her search for more information about her son’s gene mutation led her to the CureGRIN foundation.
Her advocacy journey began as a personal mission but quickly evolved into a driving force to find treatments and a cure for GRI disorders as well as to bring societal changes for more accessibility and inclusion. Driven by empathy and strategic thinking, she channels her purpose and expertise to make a tangible impact for the GRI community and those affected by rare diseases.

Steve Rust, Board Member
GRIN1 Grandfather, USA
Steve has more than 40 years of experience leveraging the power of data science in almost all aspects of research and development, most recently focusing on pediatric healthcare R&D. Steve and his team of data scientists at Nationwide Children’s Hospital develop predictive algorithms that guide pediatric patient care to improve health outcomes for children and employ data science to facilitate the development of new methods and medical devices for detecting, diagnosing and treating pediatric health conditions.
In early 2023, Steve’s granddaughter Luella was born with a mutation of the GRIN1 gene. Luella’s 3-year-old sister Hazelle has a mutation of the DDX3X gene. These vibrant and inspirational girls provide all the motivation Steve needs to be passionate about facilitating and enabling best outcomes for children with consequential gene mutations. Steve will leverage his research and healthcare delivery background to help CureGRIN foundation accelerate the journey toward treatments and cures for GRI disorders.

Lana Novakovic, Board Member
Lana started out as an English teacher but left the university in 2003 when her three-year-old daughter Samantha started exhibiting the medical symptoms that would eventually lead to a GRIA1 diagnosis in 2017.
As a response to her daughter’s very complex medical needs she became a Registered Nurse and spent many years immersed in the research literature for GRI disorders. She is looking forward to being part of CureGRIN Foundation at this very exciting and hopeful time.
She lives in San Diego with her husband and daughters, her rescue dogs and aquarium creatures. She hopes to help CureGRIN achieve a cure for these very vulnerable children.

Abigail Levy, Board Member
Abby is an attorney who has practiced in the area of labor and employment law for over 20 years. She has spent the past 12 years serving as a “neutral,” helping parties to resolve labor disputes. Abby is also the proud mom to 16-year old daughter Noa. In December 2022, after many years of uncertainty and searching for a diagnosis, Abby and her husband Bruce learned that Noa has a GRIN2B disorder. Learning this information opened up a new world for them and inspired Abby to get involved with the CureGRIN Foundation. Her hope and dream is to help find a cure for GRI disorders. She is honored to have the opportunity to work towards this goal with CureGRIN.
Abby lives in New York City with her family. She is also the stepmom to Bruce’s three adult children.

Heather Becker, Board Member
Heather is a CPA with 8 years of corporate accounting and finance experience. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children. Earlier in 2024, her son Lucas was diagnosed with GRIA3. Having a diagnosis brought one answer but many more questions. With such a rare diagnosis, she found hope when her son’s doctor suggested she look into CureGRIN Foundation. CureGRIN Foundation provided a sense of community with other families going through similar experiences. Since learning about CureGRIN Foundation, she has dedicated herself to helping CureGRIN find treatments and cures for GRI disorders.
Our Volunteers

Cure GRI Disorders
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CureGRIN Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and, as such, contributions to CureGRIN are tax-deductible. Fund research. Save a life.