Participate in Research
Opportunities for Families
CureGRIN is committed to ensuring collaboration between clinicians, researchers, biotech companies and patient advocates, sharing everything from theories and results, to animal models and technologies.
By participating in a research project, you can play a role in helping physicians and other researchers develop and test better ways to diagnose and treat individuals diagnosed with a GRI Disorder.
If there is a research study below in which you and your family would like to participate, see the description for contact information, to receive more information or to enroll.

Disease Modeling Using 3-D Organoids Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC)

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have provided new opportunities to explore the cell biology and pathophysiology of human diseases. Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine are generating iPSC lines from kids carrying GRIN mutations, and would like to use these iPSC lines and 3-D brain organoids for studying disease mechanisms and screening novel therapeutic compounds.
In order to enroll, contact researcher:

Simons Searchlight

Simons Searchlight is on a quest to accelerate the genetic science of autism and related disorders. We want more answers. We want more progress. We are a partnership of leading scientists, researchers, and families. Simons Searchlight believes the only way to make meaningful advances is to do it together. Families know the steps they have taken on their journey and how their lives have been affected. Scientists know how to transform that knowledge into the most cutting edge research.
Click here for Study Information
To enroll, click the following link: Join US!
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Cure GRI Disorders
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You can help us find a cure for GRI Disorders worldwide.
CureGRIN Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and, as such, contributions to CureGRIN are tax-deductible. Fund research. Save a life.