Publish your GRIN Story in our book

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CureGRIN is publishing a book of stories about GRIN Disorder and we’d love to include yours! 

The book will be released later this year in ebook and paperback. It will make a perfect holiday gift and all proceeds will help to fund cures for GRIN Disorder. 

We’re hoping to include dozens of stories from GRIN families. These can be written by parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. We’re looking for stories, poems, essays, memoirs, or any kind of written content as long as it focuses on your experience with GRIN Disorder or a loved one who has it.  

Deadline for submissions is Friday, September 11, 2020.  

Here are some examples of the kinds of stories we’d like to include – including one of mine. 

Here are answers to other questions you many have. If you have other questions please leave them in the comments below. 

How long should my submission be? 

Submissions could be as short as a paragraph or as long as a few thousand words, but the sweet spot is in the 400 – 1,200 word range. 

Will you accept submissions in languages other than English? 

Yes, we will consider publishing submissions in other languages and / or translating them into English. 

How many articles will you publish per family? 

We are open to publishing more than one piece per author / family, but it all depends on the overall quality and volume of submissions that we receive. 

What if I’m not a great writer? 

Authenticity of storytelling matters much more than writing skill. We’ll help by editing for grammar, style, clarity and length.  

Should this be something new or something that I’ve already published on my blog? 

Either is good as long as you own the copyright to the content and give us permission to publish. 

Where will the book be sold? 

We’ll be selling paperback and ebook through Amazon. We may also sell through other channels. 

How do I submit? 

Send an email to Please write GRIN BOOK SUBMISSION in the subject line. The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 11, 2020. 

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Question 2

Essential Question 2 in the Roadmap for a Cure.

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