Rare Disease Day

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Light up For Rare with CureGRIN

Join us and #lightupforrare on Rare Disease Day, February 29! Light up in solidarity with over 300 million people living with a rare condition and share our colors.
This year our focus will be lighting up buildings in our local areas in CureGRIN Colors (orange, blue and purple). Here are a few ways to get involved!
1. We are creating a special video for the day filled with clips of Hope from our beautiful families. If you would like to submit a clip, contact Lauren@curegrin.org

2. Light up a building in your area with CureGRIN colors on February 29, or any day in March during GRI Awareness Month. We are so excited to have applications in to a few state capitols around the USA as well as Niagra Falls, the Nashville Bridge and Peace Bridge!

3. Submit a State Proclamation to your state declaring March, GRI Awareness Month. We have the verbiage, all we need is YOU!

Please email lauren@curegrin.org or message us on FB or Insta if you need any assistance with any of the above. We are more than happy to help.

Thank you SO MUCH to the amazing volunteers we have had step up so far. We are indebted to you!
💜 🧡 💙

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