Stories of GRIN Book

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Read Inspiring Stories of GRIN Disorder Families

Written by parents, grandparents and even a team of GRIN Disorder researchers, “Stories of GRIN” reflects a shared journey of pain, love, joy, resilience, and hope.

Grab some hot chocolate and warm up with heart-felt writings from our GRIN Disorder Community. Here’s a sneak peek of what you will find inside:

“Every day that we have with our sweet girl is a milestone. Every snuggle, every successful therapy session, every meal when she scarfs down purees like she has never eaten food in her life—those are the big things. I don’t know what this girl is going to be capable of, but I do know that she has been a huge inspiration to me. She has taught our family to slow down, and appreciate every single moment we have.” Amanda Bodkin

“We were given such a beautiful, special child, because we could handle it. We could turn this into a positive. I now tell people her diagnosis with pride, no longer fearing judgement. ” Zachary Connell

Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to fund research into treatments and cures for GRIN Disorder.

E-book available on all regional Amazon stores. Paperback may not be available directly in your market, but you should be able to get it delivered from one of the following stores:










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