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Victoria is 10 years old and she is absolutely our sunshine. She was diagnosed with GRIN2A when she was 3 years old. 
She loves to swim, gymnastics, sing, and now she is learning to play piano. She is our inspiration and our hero. 
Victoria loves spending time with her cousins and she is an animal lover.
It might take her years to accomplish significant improvements. However, with constant therapies and extracurricular activities, she has overcome obstacles with her perseverance. 
It is a blessing to our lives. She has taught us so much; we love her to infinity.

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CureGRIN Stories


Vita was born in August 2013. She is our 5th child. During the pregnancy, I had a strange feeling that something was wrong, but in all the appointments doctors always reassured that everything was fine.

CureGRIN Stories


Immediately after giving birth, he had to be resuscitated and then transferred to another, better-equipped, hospital. Dominik was really a small baby (2370g), but very strong from the beginning so everything turned out well, if only for a moment

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