We’re hiring! Are You Our First Research Coordinator?

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We’re excited to announce that CureGRIN is hiring a research coordinator to help us build out a global research network!

While the ideal candidate will have a science background, we will also consider parents / family members of people with GRIN Disorders or other rare genetic diseases. The role involves identifying and coordinating with researchers, physicians, and family members around the world.

Location is flexible, so you could even work from home.

If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, we are excited to see your application.

We have attached the full job posting below. If you have any questions after reviewing, please reach out to me directly at keith@curegrin.org.

CureGRIN Research Coordinator

CureGRIN is hiring a Research Coordinator. This is a one-year position, with an opportunity to extend. The successful candidate will support the CEO and President in building out a global network of researchers, physicians, biopharm, and parents focused on finding a cure for GRIN Disorders.

Application Deadline

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

(Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted, and some interviews may be scheduled before posted deadline.)

About CureGRIN

CureGRIN is a parent-run foundation committed to improving the lives of people living with GRIN disorders. We work closely with scientists and the medical community to drive research that will lead to therapies and a cure. Learn more about us at www.curegrin.org.


About GRIN Disorders

GRIN Disorders are caused by a mutation in one of four GRIN genes (GRIN1, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, GRIN2D). These genes contain the code to create NMDA receptors, which are essential for learning and memory.


The Research Coordinator will support the CEO and President in building out a global research network for GRIN Disorders.

Responsibilities will include:

  • Compiling a global list of researchers who are interested in GRIN genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic glutamate receptors.

  • Compiling a global list of pediatric neurologists.

  • Reaching out to researchers and clinicians to tell them about CureGRIN, invite them to our private research community, and invite them to our 2020 conference in Boston.

  • Setting up introductory phone calls between researchers / clinicians and CureGRIN CEO & Head of Science.

  • Helping to onboard researchers, clinicians, and families to our private discussion forum.

  • Assisting with surveys and focus groups to help identify research gaps and priorities.

  • Assisting in the coordination of the 2020 GRIN Conference.

  • Participating in meetings with members of the CureGRIN team (some travel required).

Other duties, as assigned.


We are looking for a professional, well-organized, self-starter who is good with people. The successful candidate will be able to work independently and contribute as part of a collaborative team.

The ideal candidate will meet at least 2-3 of the following criteria:

  • Be fluent in reading and understanding scientific research publications

  • Have a degree in biology / medical science. 

  • Be a family member of someone with a GRIN disorder or another rare genetic disease.

  • Have experience in building a coalition / community of people around a cause or purpose and / or managing a customer relationship database.

  • Have experience in event / conference planning.




Some travel will be required (Approximately 10 days / year). Approved travel costs will be covered.


This is a one-year contract that may be renewed. Contractor will not be an employee of CureGRIN. We are looking to hire an independent contractor who will be responsible for remitting his or her own taxes, etc. 


30 – 37.5 hours / week (negotiable)


US$30,000 (approximately C$40,000 / £23,000 / €27,000). 


This is an independent contractor position. Benefits are not provided by CureGRIN.

To apply:

Please send an email with your expression of interest to keith@curegrin.org. In the body of the email, please indicate which of the qualifications (listed above) you meet. In addition, please attach your CV and / or link to your LinkedIn profile.

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Take Action NOW! Help Secure ICD-10 Codes for GRI Disorders!

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control met last month to consider adding ICD-10 codes for GRIN, GRIA, and GRIK Disorders. ICD-10 code applications are considered by U.S. officials and adopted by the World Health Organization. There is now a public comment period through May 17, 2024.

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