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Wyatt was born October 15th of 2019 at 4:44 PM.  He was born breach, with his umbilical cord wrapped four times around his neck.  He was purple and blue, with his fists punching the air.  In the birthing process, Wyatt ingested meconium. All of these issues were preventing him from being able to breathe.  So, you might say he came out fighting!

He was rushed to the NICU where life saving measures were taken.  Wyatt remained in the NICU for over a week. He was little, weighing barely 5 lbs, had severe jaundice and was suffering symptoms of oxygen deprivation.  He cried non-stop and was inconsolable, so we were told.  The medical staff had only seen this behavior with babies that were born drug addicted.  So, they decided that we were not allowed to see him.  We were absolutely devastated!  This went on for three whole days.  Suffice it to say he wasn’t drug addicted! On day four we were finally allowed to meet our son, only one at a time.  First dad who said to Wyatt “As long as you have my hand you have my attention.”  Wyatt instantly stopped crying.  As soon as daddy left, the nurses said he started crying all over again.  Then it was my turn.  When I went in, Wyatt was crying and extremely uncomfortable.  They decided to let me try skin to skin with him.  The minute I laid him to my chest he stopped crying, calmed down and went right to sleep.  This was the first time he had slept since being born, four and a half days earlier!  Then they allowed grandpa and grandma to see him.  This is Wyatt’s core four.

By the time discharge finally happened, we were excited to begin life as new parents!  Little did we know… a week later we would be back in the emergency room and ultimately re-admitted.  He was then diagnosed with positional apnea and seizures.  The next month Wyatt spent punching the air with his fists.  His little face showed almost constant discomfort and the crying was non-stop!  From that point forward we have had constant non-stop doctors appointments and hospitalizations.       

This gained him these diagnoses:

  • GRIN2D
  • Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy
  • Epilepsy – with multiple seizure types
  • Hypoxia – usually with seizures
  • Autism
  • Cortical Visual Impairment
  • Choanal Atresia
  • Muscle Hypotonia – cannot hold his head up or sit up
  • Oropharyngeal Dysphasia
  • Esophageal Dysphasia
  • Dysphasia
  • Airway Clearance Impairment
  • Aspirations
  • Dystonia
  • Constipation
  • J/G Tube Fed – because he can’t have anything by mouth
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Insomnia
  • Global Developmental Delays
  • Non-verbal – for the most part

With all of this we were told Wyatt would not live to see his 1st birthday.  He is now 4 years old and still fighting!  Wyatt has a grueling schedule of medications and therapies.  Through all of this he exudes pure joy and happiness.  With a smile that warms / melts your heart.  He has learned how to express love to us.  For example, he plays with daddy’s beard and to this day holds daddy’s hand.  With grandma, he gives her turtle kisses.  These physical expressions mean the world to us!  Wyatt loves music, bubbles and getting into the woods.  His favorite place is the zoo, as long as we can get him close enough to see the animals.

Wyatt is our Warrior!

We will fight for him always!

You can find Wyatt on Facebook:


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CureGRIN Stories


My name is Brielle Anderson. I was born in 2013, when researchers found the deletion of the 16th chromosome called GRIN2A.

CureGRIN Stories


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