CureGRIN to Invest Millions in Research Towards Treatments and Cures

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We’re excited to announce the creation of the GRI Research Accelerator Fund, which will aim to invest millions of dollars into cures and treatments for GRIN, GRIA, GRIK and GRID Disorders. Thanks to the dedication and support of families and donors around the world, CureGRIN will invest the first wave of funding this spring.

Investments will be focused on answering the 10 “essential questions” that were identified in consultation with families, researchers and clinicians. These questions – outlined in CureGRIN’s Research Roadmap – align with patient-family priorities and lay out the path to find cures and treatments for GRI Disorder.

Thanks to the dedication and support of families around the world, we will invest at least $750,000 this Spring, but we’re hoping to boost that to $1 million through a targeted fundraising campaign over the next two months.

CureGRIN has built relationships with 100+ scientists around the world who are ready to help us answer the essential questions! We’re consulting with experts now on how to invest these funds as efficiently as possible.

This first round of funding is critical in establishing the trajectory and momentum of GRI research and we could not do it without the support of our community.

Thank you to everyone who fundraises, donates, and helps spread awareness for GRI Disorders.

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