Science and Research News
Learn the latest in GRI Research and read more about the GRI Genes Roundtables.

CureGRIN awards $652,500 in Research Grants
CureGRIN Foundation is excited to announce that we are funding five research projects for a total investment of $652,500. The announcement was made by CureGRIN CEO Keith McArthur last week at GRI Conference 2023 (GRICON).

GRIN researchers receive nearly $3 million in research grants to study clinical and functional consequences of variants and gene therapy
Meet the GRIN Researchers Series

GRI Genes Roundtable – Dec 2021
We brought together researchers and clinicians studying GRI Disorders, GRIN genes, GRIA genes, GRIK genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic receptors (AMPARs, kainate receptors, and delta receptors) to discuss and exchange ideas on GRIN, GRIA, and GRIK variants. There were 43 participants present for the meeting.

GRI Genes Roundtable – Oct 2021
We brought together researchers and clinicians studying GRI Disorders, GRIN genes, GRIA genes, GRIK genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic receptors (AMPARs, kainate receptors, and delta receptors) to discuss and exchange ideas on GRIN, GRIA, and GRIK variants. There were 43 participants present for the meeting.

Roche Lab-Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

GRI Genes Roundtable – Sept 2021
We brought together researchers and clinicians studying GRI Disorders, GRIN genes, GRIA genes, GRIK genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic receptors (AMPARs, kainate receptors, and delta receptors) to discuss and exchange ideas on GRIN, GRIA, and GRIK variants. There were 43 participants present for the meeting.

GRI Connect
Introducing GRIConnect: Learn and network with GRI families, GRI researchers and GRI clinicians around the globe!

Introducing GRIN Therapeutics
We recently announced plans to initiate the first clinical study on Radiprodil. Meet the GRIN Therapeutics team here.

GRI Genes Roundtable – Jul 2021
We brought together researchers and clinicians studying GRI Disorders, GRIN genes, GRIA genes, GRIK genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic receptors (AMPARs, kainate receptors, and delta receptors) to discuss and exchange ideas on GRIN, GRIA, and GRIK variants. There were 50 participants present for the meeting.

GRIN Genes Roundtable – Apr 2021
We brought together researchers and clinicians studying GRIN Disorder, GRIN genes, NMDA receptors, and other ionotropic receptors to discuss and exchange ideas on identifying GRIN research priorities. There were 31 participants present for the meeting.

Cure GRI Disorders
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CureGRIN Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and, as such, contributions to CureGRIN are tax-deductible. Fund research. Save a life.