GRI Stories

Levi is an energetic, curious and friendly 11 year old recently diagnosed with GRIA1.

I have trouble with speaking—words don’t come out of my mouth easily. But I try my best! My mum patiently repeats everything for me, speaking loudly and clearly. Everyone keeps telling me that I’m amazing and that they love me so much.

She is Kaidyn. We don’t know what this life will be like, but we know we’re on this journey together.

Estefano attends school, where they give him his therapies and little by little, he makes progress. I’m very happy that he realizes who I am.

Cosimo Alessandro is a beautiful little boy with GRIN1 who lives in San Donaci, a small town in the province of Brindisi, Italy, with his family.

Lyana is surrounded by love. Our daughter will be our lifelong fight and we know she will surprise us. It’s been 3 months that she has not had any crises. Lyana is victorius!

Madison is an extraordinary 11-year-old girl with a radiant smile and an unstoppable spirit. She has a heart full of courage, and her laughter brings warmth to everyone around her.

Princess Aurora can’t talk, walk, crawl, hold her head up or eat. But what we have found in her is an amazing and delightful personality.

Lucas’s medical issues are very unpredictable and for many years we always said that with Lucas “expect the unexpected.” Lucas continues to write his own textbook.
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